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San Rocco, Venice, September 2002, with Accademia Bizantina

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Clip info:  Ich will dich nicht hören from J S Bach's Cantata BWV 213 Hercules At The Crossroads (text here) on the CD Bach: Phoebus and Pan - Secular Cantatas © 1996,1999 harmonia mundi.

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1 I am an unqualified admirer of Andreas. 
       - James Bowman
2 There are more excellent countertenors before the public today than ever before ...  but one of them stands out above all others, as Caruso among tenors a century ago: Andreas Scholl
        - Fanfare
3 I sat entranced; I find his singing quite magical. He perfectly captures the pathos in Handel's writing. 
        - James Bowman
4 There is probably no living countertenor whom I would rather hear singing these cantatas [ for alto, by J S Bach ]  than Andreas Scholl. 
        - Gramophone
5 His technical excellence, his musicianship and the sheer beauty of that voice are virtually unmatched. 
        - The Independent
6 The quality of his voice and the rare sensibility he seems invariably to show towards music and text are such as to win over the most ardent detractors of the art of the male falsetto
        - Gramophone
7 Scholl's voice is pure and beautiful in sound, his taste exquisite, his pitch and diction immaculate. It is inadequate to compare Andreas Scholl to many other counter-tenors now working, even the finest of them. Instead, one is put in mind of legendary past masters.
        - Fanfare
8 His mercurial blend of intelligence, compassion and a ravishingly beautiful, dauntingly precise voice...
        - Gramophone
9 He seems to be revealing the music instead of obscuring it with vocal affectations.
        - Opera News
10 A ravishingly beautiful sound, a strong technique and commendable attention to poetic texts.
        - Gramophone
11 The subtle inflections, expressive sensitivities, tonal shading and musicianship ... provide delights that only fall within the gift of a few great singers in any one generation.
        - Classic FM
12 Unbelievably gorgeous and technically flawless voice and singing ... casts a spell that remains long after the music stops. The seamless, consistent tonal quality from lowest to highest notes is a marvel, and the sheer warmth and beauty of the sound renders categorization irrelevant. This simply is an exceptional and eminently listenable voice.
        -  Stereophile
13 Une intuition des notes et des mots sans pareille.
        - AltaMusica.com
14 Scholl's voice rushes through the bloodstream, so tender and gravely beautiful that time seems to stand still.
        - The Times
15 A voice of riveting presence and sensuous beauty. His intelligence and stylistic acumen are unfailingly in evidence ... a near-effortless technique.
        - Fanfare
16 One of the world's most important singers.
        - Robin Blaze
17 Andreas Scholl has no rival that I can think of in this [ J S Bach ] repertoire.
        - Gramophone
18 Andreas Scholl ... a rare talent. He has marvellous skills of interpretation ... unequalled artistry.
        - Classical Music On The Web
19 You can hear Scholl's personal delight in the music as he enjoys every line.
        - Performance Today
20 Undoubtedly the best equipped countertenor of the day, perhaps any day.
        - Opera Magazine
21 Scholl's voice is aesthetically sensuous with an essential quality of masculinity.
        - Klue.com.my
22 His singing voice is a thing of crystalline translucent purity, a surface of polished silver, as clean as a whistle.
        - BBC Music Magazine
23 Scholl’s phrasing is unerringly fine, displaying an innate musical sensitivity. His diction is crystal clear and his communication of the music arrestingly direct.
        - Audiostreet
24 The finest counter-tenor of our time.
        - The Yorkshire Post
25 Scholl possesses what is almost certainly the most naturally beautiful and fluently produced voice of any male alto today.
        - Fanfare
26 Scholl is pre-eminent among today’s countertenors for the fine quality, roundness and power of his voice as well as for the artistry of its usage. In [ the Ombra mai fu CD ] the sheer opulence of tone impresses afresh, and its firmness make the more dramatic vibrancy of Daniels seem somewhat loosely focused.
        - Gramophone
27 This is some of the finest heroic singing I can remember hearing ... quite an exceptional recital in which one of today's most beautiful and imaginatively used voices is heard.
        - Gramophone
28 Unwavering, faultless control.
        - Gramophone
29 One of the most seductive countertenor voices to be heard.
        - Classic FM Magazine
30 Andreas Scholl has one of the most beautiful countertenor voices around, and sings his music with great intelligence and expression.
        - Continuo
31 A feeling of utter freshness and spontaneity in the singing: that sense of perfectly controlled, on-the-spot creation that only the greatest singers seem able to convey.
        - Music Shelf
32 The almost unearthly purity of Scholl's line, his remarkable technical ability, and sheer musicality...
        - Fanfare
33 One of the most important new discoveries of the decade.  Counter-tenor Andreas Scholl has a voice that floats effortlessly throughout his performances. It is entirely natural and at ease.
        - Leisure Briton
34 Scholl is an immaculate singer. His counter-tenor voice combines a beautiful tone quality, and evenness, with musical intelligence and scrupulous attention to detail.
        - Musicweb
35 Andreas Scholl ... brings both authority and a beguiling sensuality to [ the role of Solomon ] 
        - BBC Music magazine
36 Andreas Scholl’s countertenor is formidable in every sense and transmits sturdy, masculine emotion just as forcefully as the softer sorts.
        - Gramophone
37 Scholl has the purest, most soulful voice imaginable.
        - Diakrisis International
38 His voice is fresh, clear, and evenly produced; his careful musicianship is reflected in his effective phrasing, exquisite attention to detail, and admirable diction.
        - The Journal of Singing
39 Andreas Scholl is a sensation in Europe, and one can see why: his pure yet robust sound rings out with an effortless clarity that gets under your skin.
        - Schwann Opus
40 He has that ability to float a line marvellously without ever compromising the clarity of the text.
        - Gramophone
41 His beautiful voice is flexible and rich and full of colors not normally associated with his range.
        - Classical Pulse!
42 Scholl's faultless instrument is matched by superbly vivid interpretations in both lieder and cantata.
         - The Inkpot
43 His innumerable subtle inflections of tone and timing are more reminiscent of a good orator than an opera singer.
        - Matthew Westphal
44 Andreas Scholl's secure, floating tone is capable of delicacy, fullness, power, and a remarkable range of color. With his fabulous control, he is establishing a place at the very forefront of the field. Mesmerizing.
        - The Absolute Sound
45 The kind of singing that makes the small hairs bristle on the back of the neck.
        - The Guardian
46 Scholl's voice has a large compass which takes him to surprising heights. He has amazing control in the long legato melodies and is excitingly athletic.
        - The Sunday Star & Times
47 A wonderfully ample, creamy voice, beautifully even and controlled, capable of a poignantly soft top F and firm in profile in the lower register; the latter elicits an outpouring, a passionate one, of lovely tone.
        - Gramophone
48 Ravishing beyond belief. Scholl could sing Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosie for two hours and keep an audience happy, such are the transcendent perfection, marble smoothness and simple expressive eloquence of his voice.
        - The Sydney Morning Herald
49 Superstar countertenor Andreas Scholl combines unearthly purity with very earthly feeling.
        - The Turn
50 His voice is a miracle of purity, limpidity and control.
        - The Independent
51 Scholl is clearly the most gifted counter-tenor to have arrived on the scene for a long time. His capacity to range from near-inaudible inwardness to vigorous and assertive fury makes one keen to hear anything in which he might plausibly be cast.
        - The Spectator
52 Scholl's voice is a thing of wonder -- as solid as a trumpet but light as a flute, with a breathtakingly confident high range.
        - Rick Anderson, University of North Carolina
53 One of today’s most beautiful and imaginatively used voices.
        - Gramophone
54 Scholl's voice is a marvel: secure in pitch, its sustaining power projects a feeling of ease that eludes many countertenors, who often sound merely like men who have mastered falsetto.
        - Classical.net
55 The Heroic Handelian we have all been waiting for.
        - Gramophone
56 Andreas Scholl's singing of the five [ St Matthew Passion ] alto arias for Herreweghe represents a benchmark in beauty of tone and style.
        - The Sunday Times
57 His masterful control of the voice is immediately striking and his pure, robust tone and clear diction make for a wonderfully direct communication of the texts. Scholl is perfectly at home in any of the languages in which he is required to sing, and he engages with varying emotions with consummate ease.
        - Audiostreet
58 It seemed we were hearing the most beautiful noise in the world.
        - The New Statesman 
59 Andreas Scholl is one of the most intelligent and thoroughly musical singers alive.
        - Classicstoday.com
60 Il possède une solide technique, qui lui permet d'aller à l'essentiel, l'émotion!  On l'a entendu dans le répertoire baroque allemand, il excelle dans Bach, et chez Vivaldi c'est toujours la même perfection.
        - Canoe Culture
61 His Erbarme dich must be one of the most heartbreakingly lovely performances of that profoundly moving aria ever committed to disc, while Können tränen is nothing less than a master class in phrasing.
       - Brian Robins, Fanfare
62 Andreas Scholl leads the field in terms of vocal acuity.
63 [ A Musicall Banquet ] is one of those rare recordings beyond any whiff of criticism.  It is, as I said, perfect.
        - Fanfare
64 His phrasing is an object lesson in poise, in the blend of plasticity and formal observance, his diction is immaculate, his breath control complete. Technical assurance, of course, is merely a means to the musical end, and the range of emotion Scholl finds within the relatively limited compass of [A Musicall Banquet  ] is astonishing.
        - Fanfare
65 ... the combination of thrilling purity that cuts a swathe through the air and the potent emotion that fills the atmosphere in its wake.
        - Kieran Falconer, BOL
66 Every phrase and nuance is managed with the utmost ease and assurance, as if every detail has been thought and re-thought until they couldn't possibly be managed any other way.
        - Jim Svejda, Music Shelf
67 ... Solomon as sung by one of today's most extraordinary singers, countertenor Andreas Scholl.  His What though I trace each herb and flower is one of many moments when message and music fuse into a single force.  Scholl's soaring tone can be dark, bright, cutting or imploring depending on dramatic necessity.
        - Classicalcdreview.com
68 Scholl has a pure, gloriously "musical" voice, coming from his entire body - as far from a falsetto or head voice as possible...  and then some - with a perfect projection ... fabulous diction and a legato to die for...
        - Janos Gereben
69 ... one of the finest voices of recent times, an instrument capable of extraordinary technical precision and tonal riches beyond the scope of other falsettists ... an unaffected, totally beguiling performance of Ombra mai fu with an artistry known only to the greatest singers.
        - Andrew Stewart
70 ... Scholls Stimme sei nicht von dieser Welt. Mit ungeheuer langem Atem spinnt er nicht enden wollende Phrasen, lang gehaltene Töne lässt er an- und wieder abschwellen, um sogleich neue, endlose Koloraturketten anzuhängen. Gerade in Vivaldis Psalmvertonung erlebt man viele Momente, in denen man als Zuhörer den Atem anhält - und viele kämpfen mit Tränen. Eine schwache Ahnung der Gesangskunst des 18. Jahrhunderts kommt auf, wenn Scholl engelsgleich das Cum dederit aus dem Nisi Dominus singt.
        - bachakademie.de
71 Brillant ist seine Artikulation, rein die Tongebung, gefühlvoll die Interpretation. Scholl spielt mit Phrasen und Tönen, dosiert die Dynamik. Dunkler und schöner kann Seelenpein nicht artikuliert werden.
        - Trierischer Volksfreund
72 Andreas Scholl's Es ist vollbracht  [ is  ] the work of a singer at his best, showing yet again that Scholl is arguably the best Bach countertenor around.
        - David Vickers, andante
73 ... grace, passion and clarity.  Absolute integrity of text ... daring intensity and nuance of committed experience. He can sing lightly enough when needed, but never without purpose and motivation.
        - John Henken
74 ... polish ... control ... impeccable English diction and intelligent artistry.
        - Anne Midgette, New York Times
75 On ne sait qu’admirer le plus : la douceur de la voix alliée à la vigueur de l’interprétation, la virtuosité et la sûreté sans faille des vocalises, la suavité des passages élégiaques, ou tout simplement la musicalité de l’interprète.
        - Catherine Scholler, forumopera.com 
76 On est totalement envoûté par l'art du contre-ténor, par ces sons filés, cette pureté de la ligne de chant, cette grâce de la déploration.
        - Mathilde Bouhon, forumopera.com 
77 Andreas Scholl does not just sing the words.  He lets the words sing.
       - Anonymous SchollSoc author 
78 Scholl cultivates all the classical virtues: pinpoint intonation, smooth register alignment, perfect legato phrasing, and a storyteller's sense of what the words mean. His art is refined but never precious, and the voice per se is simply ravishing.
        - Peter G Davis, New York magazine
79 A David for all to die for. Scholl's voice can achieve anything he demands of it.  And his imaginative demands are the highest: be it in David's anger and grief (in Handel's Saul) or in his lament for Jonathan, aching within the voice's low register.
        - Hilary Finch, The Times
80 ...  singing of quite another order from the everyday, in which the phrasing is so perfect that it is impossible to imagine it being done otherwise, the tone so liquid and burnished and redolent of so much immersion in the spirit of the music (Saul)  that you cannot help but become rapt in contemplation of hearing such utter perfection. Aria after aria, recitative one after the other, was presented with the most blazing commitment, and the audience’s absorption in his characterization was at a rare level of intensity... a truly remarkable voice in a role (David) for which it was made.
        - Melanie Eskanazi, Musicweb
81 Scholl possesses a creamy, seamless instrument over which he exercises unyielding technical control.
        - William V Madison
82 It is clear that he knows his way around his words and notes, and, from his expert blending with the instrumentalists, that he listens as completely as he sings.
        - Patrick Giles
83 It is not hard to understand the appeal of his voice ... its liquid tone and even more amazing technique: he articulates runs with phenomenal dexterity, and his breath control takes, well, one's breath away.
        - The Times
84 Singing in flawless unaccented English, Scholl cultivates all the classical virtues: pinpoint intonation, smooth register alignment, perfect legato phrasing, and a storyteller's sense of what the words mean. His art is refined but never precious, and the voice per se is simply ravishing.
        - New York Metro
85 ... the awesome Andreas Scholl as David (in Saul), the countertenor catching Symphony Hall's acoustic perfectly with his clear, ringing timbres and later the melting loveliness with which he delivered some of Handel's most ravishing music.
        - Birmingham Post
86 Scholl, his voice dusky and sensuous, caressed the syllables... stretching and folding phrases with thrilling ease. He never ceased to amaze and enthrall.
        - Ted Shen, Chicago 
87 Widely acclaimed as the standard with which other countertenors should be compared, and winner of numerous prestigious awards, Scholl delivers to perfection works written for the alto voice.
        - chaosmusic.com
88 He sings with perfect tenderness, in enchanting contemplation and absolute intimacy.
        - hifiplus.com
89 It is his avoidance of the crass mannerisms of singers bent on wooing a mass audience that succeeds in beaming light on the radiant purity, flawless technique and effortless agility of his voice.
        - Canberra Times
90 The melody soars as though on a gentle breeze, not a wobble in the trajectory, not a blemish in the tone.
        - Financial Times
91 The countertenor sound is something of an acquired taste but coming out of Scholl's mouth it is as natural as Barbara Cook's voice when she's singing a standard: perfectly aspirated, sweet and clear, friendly and utterly familiar.  Scholl's voice is gravity-defying; soft and agile.  He shows great control and consistency across his entire tonal and dynamic range.  His enunciation is first-rate and his delivery is impressively sensitive to the meaning and drama of the words he is singing.  He even looks good!   
        - Australian Financial Review
92 He took the liberty of extending the sighing Aure and floating it across the audience from right to left like a huge, silent, soaring firebird.  Just awesome.
        - Australian Financial Review
93 Scholl's highly refined artistry balances a richly moving expressive range with an impeccable control of ornament and intonation.
        - The Advertiser (Australia)
94 Scholl sings with such natural ease that the strangeness of the countertenor register is soon forgotten.  He is also an intelligent singer, with superb melding of interpretation and expression.  What's more, he is completely unaffected on stage, never subordinating the music to his performance.
        - The Australian
95 Andreas Scholl sings with an ease and beauty that combine to produce a voice that is truly individual - a miracle not of hyped marketing of a perhaps underwhelming talent, but of an astonishing natural vocalism that has made him the most popular countertenor of his day.
        - The Age
96 Herr Scholl makes a fabulous sound with a hint of raw baritone at the bottom, a masculine, metallic edge in the pearly middle and a sexless, seraphic quality at the ethereal top.
        - Evening Standard
96 He took half as many breaths as any other singer and did not even break sweat.  It was perfect singing.
        - Evening Standard
97 Scholl's tone is one of the wonders of the world - pure, true and, despite its pitch, entirely masculine.  For a falsettist to fill the cavernous space of (London's Royal Albert Hall) without amplification is a miracle in itself.
        - Express on Sunday
98 Da controtenore Scholl incarna un ideale vocale che assurge a compendio di perfetta integrazione fra tecnicismo e calore espressivo, lezione di stile per innumerevoli cantanti paludati in anacronistiche dimensioni antimusicali.
        - Mirko Schipilliti
99-- ... der weiche, klare, flexible, leuchtend, derzeit unerreichte Altus Andreas Scholl...
        - Leipziger Volkszeitung
100 The magic of Scholl's voice is almost impossible to render in words, because its softness is as sweet as honey, its sparkle is comparable to the fire of jewels and its power has a manliness quite in a league of its own.
        - Henriette B. Stavis
101 Mr Scholl's impeccable technique soon swept you past the inherent artificiality of the countertenor voice, and his personality and ability to communicate then carried you beyond sheer technique.
        - New York Times
102 There is certainly no finer natural voice among countertenors today than that of Scholl, and few more highly intelligent and sentient artists.
        - Hilary Finch, The Times
103 Evita con maestría la sensación de artificialidad, tiene una técnica asombrosa y, por encima de todo, posee una musicalidad que convierte en oro casi todo lo que toca.
        - El Pais
104 ... the singing [ in Rodelinda ] bristled with inner life, the primary example being Andreas Scholl. The role of Bertarido was his stage debut in the production's first season; then, Scholl was declared, in some quarters, to be hopelessly wooden. More than three years later, that evaluation is inconceivable, his physical presence seeming consistently natural and his characterization self-possessed. Acting appears to have been a liberating influence on his vocal art; though he could previously be accused of being too placid, no phrase is taken for granted now. Any doubts about his voice's ability to carry in a theater larger than the intimate environs of Glyndebourne were banished by his easy ability to be heard in the far reaches of the less acoustically sympathetic [ Paris ] Châtelet. And his vocal production is as even and natural as ever, from top to bottom.
        - Andante
105 ... sinuous, always immaculate Andreas Scholl ...his high musical intelligence and unique feel for the (Baroque) period...
        - The Guardian
106 No other countertenor has a tone of such preternatural purity and no other singer - of either sex - has his capacity to transport the listener to a place of such otherworldly serenity.
        - The Express on Sunday
109 ... une virtuosité, un engagement et une présence dramatique exceptionnels. Qualités éminentes qu'Andreas Scholl possède au plus haut point.
        - Festival de Beaune
110 Scholl’s [ voice ]  has a glowing warmth, absolutely seamless from the lower depths to the upper reaches. He’s a natural communicator — nothing arch or self-conscious about him. Or arty. But his true art is one of uncommon intelligence and depth.
        - bostonphoenix.com
111 ... Scholl is brilliant [ ... ] unique ability to mix absolute interiority with splendid projection.
        - Sydney Star Observer
Scholl unleashed a sweet flood of sound giving the impression of tremendous spiritual centredness... The whole concert was just bliss, every sweet second of it.
        - Guardian
Andreas Scholl is the countertenor's countertenor.
        - New York Times
Not only was his singing a wondrous amalgam of purity and "character", his English letter-perfect, but he evinced an involvement in the music - in the text, really - that eluded his fellow soloists, as it does most performers. Scholl's movements, his stage presence, made him almost a narrator, relating, well, the Greatest Story Ever Told. It was powerful and engaging and only enhanced his magnetic music-making.
        - U-entertainment.com
Scholl is brilliant throughout [ the CD Saul but he is outstanding in the aria O Lord, whose mercies numberless, an emotional prayer of entreaty for Saul who is jealous and enraged by David’s popularity. This is as good as anything that I have heard Scholl perform: vocally and dramatically illuminated by Scholl’s unique ability to mix absolute interiority with splendid projection.
        - ssonet.com.au
... it was testimony to the power of this performance that Andreas Scholl did not sing everyone off the stage. Yet his was, of course, a David for all to die for. Scholl's voice can achieve anything he demands of it. And his imaginative demands are the highest: be it in David's anger and grief, or in his lament for Jonathan, aching within the voice's low register...
The Times
Andreas Scholl, of course, is a David to die for.  O Lord Whose Mercies was written for that voice.
Paul McCreesh
What finally tips me towards McCreesh is the casting of Andreas Scholl as David: serene, dulcet-toned and, when the situation demands, excitingly dramatic...
Richard Wigmore, BBC Music Magazine
When Scholl sang Dowland's In darkness let me dwell [ ... the ] keening distress of the vocal line, broken only once by "hellish, jarring sounds", was solitude incarnate.
        - Edward Seckerson, The Independent
Scholl proves endlessly imaginative and delightfully spontaneous even in the most demanding of arias [ ... ] sounds and meaning crafted with almost Shakespearean guile 
- Classic CD
His voice has more body and richness than most in his vocal category but it's also enormously polished, sensitive and sophisticated.
- Dallas Morning News
His voice is sweet, yet substantial... [He] seduces masterfully with gorgeous, melifluous tones  
- Classical Insites
Scholl's singing of Erbarme dich may be one of the greatest performances of Bach in memory.
For sheer breathtaking beauty, Scholl's sound is in a league of its own.
        - Guardian

It was counter-tenor Andreas Scholl who stole the show [ Last Night of the Proms, London, 2005 ] with his performances of three Handel arias. Accompanied  by the BBC Symphony Orchestra [ ... ] Scholl's purity of tone created a startling musical intimacy, even in the party atmosphere of the Last Night. Still more ravishing was his singing of Down by the Salley Gardens, accompanied only by the gossamer threads of [ John ] Williams's guitar.
        - Guardian


Andreas Scholl has the world's most cultured counter-tenor voice. And during his three Handel arias [ Last Night of the Proms, 2005 ] some 6,000 people scarcely dared breathe, let alone pop balloons, beep hooters, toss streamers or perpetrate any of the other prepubescent japes that make the Last Night the, er, unique occasion that it is. After Scholl returned in the even noisier second half and pulled off the same trick with a pianissimo folksong and a Purcell air, I would have backed him to have walked on water.
Richard Morrison, The Times

Scholl, his voice dusky and sensuous, caressed the syllables in [ Vedendo Amor ], stretching and folding phrases with thrilling ease. He never ceased to amaze and enthrall.
        - Chicago Tribune
Andreas Scholl's name has become synonymous with quality; he is a rare breed of singer, one whose sound is never sterile or inaccurate, and whose sense of the dramatic is only equalled by an exceptional vocal agility...  an artist of exceptional value. His intonation is never in doubt, enunciation always clear, and phrasing and articulation so much the essence of musicianship... Scholl's vocal production is almost instrumental-like in its quality, responding to the [ABO's] orchestral textures in a manner that is rarely surpassed elsewhere.
Music Teachers review of Nisi Dominus
... sweet, luminous sound, perfect intonation and stunning control of long lines 
        - Clare Mackney, Birmingham Post
... shivering beauty and elegance. What shone through was the spellbinding purity and restraint of his singing, and his exquisite characterisation. He launched every phrase perfectly, and rounded off to perfection, every line thought through and executed accordingly. There was no singer's ego, simply a dedication to text and to delivering Handel's line with restraint and impeccable tuning.
        - Roderick Dunnett, the Independent
... Er ist ein Meister der auf- und verblühenden musikalischen Momente, hochvirtuos und brilliant in den Bravourstücken, anrührend, ohne Sentimentalität in den schwermütigeren Gesängen, dabei immer vibrierend und intensiv.
... he combines extreme talent, with obvious, even stereotypical, characteristics of his national and local origins, apparent personal integrity and just a touch of quirky individualism, for the total of which a brief synonym is "cool".
...uniquely clear and firm tone, his faultless taste and technical perfection. One wants to listen to him for hours more. His voice is almost entirely devoid of any individuating subjectivity, of personal shades and traits that would distinguish him from his peers. Scholl stands above all of them. Unmistakeable nevertheless, his voice sounds like voice-in-itself.
        - Chicago Maroon

... an extraordinary musician, a rare singer of whom it seems that practically nothing is beyond his capabilities. With his pure tone and strong, unwavering line, he has achieved a vocal beauty unsurpassed among countertenors. He can float effortlessly to the top of his range and sustain extended notes with ease. His phrasing is astute -- smoothly flowing in some places, angular and terse elsewhere -- his diction impeccable, and he uses his well-controlled vibrato sparingly. But Scholl has more than just a great technique. He is also an immensely expressive interpreter and engaging performer.
        - The Australian


...the honey-hued counter-tenor Andreas Scholl, making his [ Met ] debut [ in Rodelinda ] proves himself to be not only a consummate musician but a persuasive actor as well as performer.
        - The New Yorker

His pitch is perfectly focused, his sound tender and radiant... he can invest a phrase with very unboyish sensuality.
        - The New Times

Honey to the ear.
        - Dallas Morning News

... der stilistisch souveräne Countertenor Andreas Scholl...
        - die Presse 

Der Countertenor Andreas Scholl, ein ausgewiesener Experte für Alte Musik, ist ohnehin "die" Besetzung für den Alt-Part. Scholl ist eine usnahmeerscheinung, ein Künstler, der die wohl "künstlichste" Art des Singens als die natürlichste Sache der Welt erscheinen lässt.  Sein Countertenor hat nichts von der flächigen Weichheit, die die Stimmen auch guter Techniker oft diffus wirken lässt. Sein Stimmsitz ist präzise, doch nie eng im Ansatz, Kantilene und Klang sind in jeder Lage vollendet abgerundet. Das waren vierzig Minuten aus dem Musterbuch der Gesangskultur. 
        - der Standard 140
[ Scholl combines ] rock-star charisma with a voice that travels directly down your spine.
        - The Guardian
141 His plangent aria Ch’io parta! (Must I leave?) drew singing of such exquisite pathos from Andreas Scholl that the entire (Royal Albert Hall) audience was held entranced. A few moments of absolute magic.
        - London Evening Standard( (Partenope, Proms 2009)
142 [...] Arsace, brilliantly sung and acted by Andreas Scholl.
        - Michael Tanner, The Spectator (Partenope) 

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Ich will dich nicht hören text:

Ich will dich nicht hören
Ich will/mag dich nicht wissen.
Verworfene/verbotene Wollust, ich kenne dich nicht.
Denn die Schlangen 
So mich wollten wiegend fangen,
Hab ich schon lange zermalmet, zerrissen.
I will not listen to you, 
I don't want to know you.
Spurned/forbidden Greed, I don't know you.
For the serpents
Which would have caressingly caught me,
I crushed and ripped to pieces long ago .


copyright © 2004 The Andreas Scholl Society